Heads: 244 ........48.2%

Tails: 262 ......... 51.8%

Total: 506

Heads: 547........48%

Tails: 592..........51.9%

Total: 1139


It Makes Good Cents is an ongoing project that I began in 2009 when I decided

that I would collect pennies for a year monitoring the side the coin was found on.

The project continues to the present day with the activity of collecting coins being a part of my daily life. In addition to the monitoring of the side I also engage in a wide variety of activities involving the penny within each year. These activities include photo scans of more damaged coins along with additional pattern finding observations.


After collecting coins for two years it would appear that an individual is 4% less likely to find a heads penny versus a tails penny. This 4% could be accounted for by the members of society that collect heads pennies for good luck. By collecting the coins they are creating a rarity in the object they are collecting. To see specific numbers consult each year.